Collaboration, Modernity and Colonial Rule: Sidiyya Baba and Mauritania

By David Robinson

1914 Declaration of Support for French in WWI

1914 Declaration of Support for French in WWI
1914 Declaration of Support for French in WWI
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1914 Declaration of Support for French in WWI
1914 Declaration of Support for French in WWI
Total Pages: 2 of 3
1914 Declaration of Support for French in WWI
1914 Declaration of Support for French in WWI
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Contributing Institutions: David Robinson; MATRIX: Center for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences at Michigan State University
Description: In 1914, as the Allies faced off against the Axis powers, including the Ottomans and their sultan, who had recently begun using the more resonant Islamic title of caliph, the French grew concerned that the Ottoman sultan's call for all Muslims in the world to wage jihad against the Allies might produce revolt among some of their subjects in West Africa. They consequently called upon their leading clerical allies to issue declarations of support for the French cause, and to indicate that there was no obligation incumbent upon Muslims to support the Ottoman cause. They gathered these statements together in a special issue of their leading journal on the Islamic world, the "Revue du Monde Musulman," and published it at the end of the year. Sidiyya Baba's declaration was among the most important in that volume. He took up some of the themes that he had articulated in his 1903 declaration. We have no way to measure the impact of Baba's statement or the others in that volume. We can say that the sultan's call to jihad received little response among the Muslim societies of French West Africa.
Date: December 8, 1914
Date Range: 1900-1909
Location: Butilimit, Mauritania
Format: Text/txt
Language: Arabic
Rights Management: For educational use only.
Digitizer: MATRIX

Revue Du Monde Musulman. Paris: Mission scientifique du Maroc, vol. 29 (1914), pp. 16-18.